About Me
Photo Credit: Paul Douglas
Hi, I’m Nakita.
I’m an inspiring and compassionate certified breathwork teacher, dedicated to guiding individuals on their journey toward realisation and wholeness. With a unique blend of tantra-based wisdom & trauma-informed expertise, I empower those who are ready to embark on a path of self-discovery and embodied healing.
Born with a rich cultural heritage, my UK background intertwined with Asian roots has cultivated a non-dual understanding of ancient traditions. Having immersed myself in the teachings of Buddhism in the mystical Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan, and embraced my British-Hindu upbringing, I carry a wealth of knowledge and wisdom within.
For many years, I enjoyed a successful career in International Education as a Primary School Leader. However, the thirst for deeper connection and personal growth led me to delve into the profound practice of somatic living. Through my own warrior's journey, I have developed an authentic holistic practice that facilitates internal exploration, discovery and integration.
My teachings of personal empowerment, freedom, and mastery are to be experienced as an alive process and transmission within a carefully curated safe and nurturing space within. In this way, we can become the breath on an intimate level, for greater transparency and balance in all areas of life; deepening and expanding relationships in service to Self and all beings.
Qualified, certified, and accredited with:
Always as adventurer and explorer, I’ve dedicated the past 20 years to discovering: What is truly real on this plane of existence that we call reality?
The External Path
I have lived many lives & personas…
A raver, a rebel, a civil disobedient.
A traveller, a learner, a student, a teacher.
A leader, an example, an active and loving member of the community.
Masculine, Feminine, all, one, & none.
Perspective & mindset is real. Perhaps it’s the only thing that is.
Physiology and psychology has taught me much; mind and body, separate and different, but also one and the same.
We are already whole.

‘Intuitive Flow’ in life, is a balance between discipline and surrender that all starts with the breath.
The Internal Path
Studying Eastern Traditions for many years cultivated focus, attention, concentration, and a diligent mind.
Proficiency with using the mind as a tool, is a prerequisite for
allowing deeper and fuller states of consciousness within the body.
My work holistically combines teachings to dis-cover and explore the ultimate temple of the Self & Soul.
The breath is a source and guide; for self-regulation, homeostasis, and to achieve consistently optimum states of being.